Giveback by Jeong-jin Lee from korea
designer's own words:
Now it is time to get a light back and we are the one.Whoever can imagine, and be available to participate.
I suggest the design which everybody can make so all of the people can take a role from it.
By metal workers working at Uljirou where a lot of small factory are concentrated in Seoul,
We enjoy modern conveniences, and also from our demands for them, they become valuable man..
I suggest them work at a dark and dismal space to change metal chips left after their work to a li
ghting without particular materials or proceeding.
It means that whoever can do valuable work through the power of design. Eventually if all of the people understrand those values and share them with, we can get a united social we have dreamed.
The thing we have seen , impressed and got from them.
How to get along with each other
Social integration by the hopeful and moving design