Giardino Sonoro at Venice Biennale

Giardino Sonoro at Venice Biennale by architettura sonora from italy

designer's own words:

The Giardino Sonoro installation is a dynamic sound space, conceived as a constantly evolving project over time and space. For the Venice Biennale 2012 the installation consists of a physical element (Architettura Sonora’s sound modules and the steel ring, designed by a team led by Salottobuono) and an immaterial component, based on Architettura Sonora’s ASG software (Automatic Soundscape Generation).
Seven musical compositions, specifically commissioned by the Music Biennale 2012 for this installation, are fully reproduced, although interactively spatialized, every day from 19:00 to 20:30; from 10:00 to 19:00 the compositions are continuously recomposed, through a continuous interpretation of the garden atmospheric conditions, relegating to people interaction with the ring the real time modifications of the soundscape spatialization.
Visitors are invited to explore the garden and interact with the ring.
More info @

Special thanks to Architectural Association School of Architecture for the support to the development of the ring structure.

Giardino Sonoro in Arsenale

20121006_031_architetturasonora_150dpi.jpg Approaching the Giardino

20121006_019_architetturasonora_150dpi.jpg A nice place to rest

20121006_003_architetturasonora_150dpi.jpg …and to play around

20121006_009_architetturasonora_150dpi.jpg A nice break during the Biennale

20121006_027_architetturasonora_150dpi.jpg The Sonic tree