
Generpin by junyeong jang from korea

designer's own words:

Due to the increasing number of CO2, Global Warming is getting severer. From melting glacier of the North Pole to extraordinary
cilmate, there are a lot of examples that shows us the seriousness of the Global Warming. Besides, vinyl and plastic from oil
restrain the gorwth of plants and pollute the underground water for thousands of years.
The earth is not only for our generation. So, we should conserve and improve our planet for our descendent. In this sense,
the design relating to the development of alternative energy is significant today.
We suggest new instruments generating electric power by accumuating and using natural energy. We found some
products in our homes generating winds such as an air conditioner, a fan, and a ventilation.
Through this we found a way of generating electric power by using the power of wind. We manufactured a vane-shaped
propeller which is less weighted and safer than hard propeller. It can be recycled. Also it was made in various sizes, so
users can select more suitable size to their spaces to use it.


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