geloo by flávio carrasco from brazil
designer's own words:
When an appliance stays all the time turned on, the big worry is about saving energy. As science advances new materials and functioning principles can be fitted in these appliances for higher performance without harming the environment.
That is the idea of this project: GELOO uses a new revolutionary way to cool things through a thermo-acoustical device that does not use any poluent gas (such as CFC) and is more silent than fridges´ compressors of today; it spends less energy because it is insulated by aerogel (a super insulator material), and because it is not necessary to open the door to see the fridge´s content (aerogel is a translucid material); besides it has a unique look and a ludic way of seeing things through it if the fridge is opaque, you just have to rub it like a blurred mirror and it will become transparent!