Garbagebag from an old newspaper by from
designer's own words:
Purpose of design
Every household gathers a lot of paper, witch can be transfered into ecological and economical garbagebags, that absorb moisture and are hygienic. These kind of garbagebags are suitanle for any kind of household waiste collections and sorting. They will decay at dumpsites, they can be burned safely and they decompose in the compost. Their strenght can be adjusted by the number of paper layers.
Implementability of proposal
Garbagebags can easily be maid at home or in small workhops. Paper layers are interlocked on the sides and on the bottom so a durable seam is formed. Using a mold, it is foldet and glued. With modern robotictecnology it would be possible to manufacture these garbagebags also industrially.
Garbagebag is ready for use.
The pages of a newspaper are set one page on top of another, slightly interlocked and the sideseam is glued using a mold.
Garbagebag is set on the garbage sortingbin.