GAON by han-eum Lee from korea
designer's own words:
Much food garbages that is created in home, this is gathered by residing wastebasket that is situated on surrounding only as primary.
However, most people do not think this as is good. Because there is no a person to like that have wastebasket that smell near own house anywhere.
In addition, at night, because animals which lose a case ransack garbage, situation that make still more grubbily is produced. It has inexpediency that people must clean again.
However, surprising resources is created in food garbage. It is methane gas justly! Methane gas is main ingredients of LNG, and is entering power plant which use Lee these day. Possibilitys of several development energy in methane gas that is created in same garbage possibility find. And utilize enough methane gas that is happened in food garbage and food garbage
contributes in surrounding environment being made from compost there after.
Propose novel Eco-Design that is worth satisfying people's appetite which
want to make advantage and habitat of this food garbage cleanly at once.