Fun @ Moleskinerie

Fun @ Moleskinerie by vitor santos from portugal

designer's own words:

with the background representing a sketch ou a drawing, the moleskinerie sketche proposal, refers to the purpose of Moleskine: write, doodle and draw. The lettering is simple but strong, brings greatness to the name.
the moleskinerie paper proposal is younger and willingness and refers to the spirit of the moleskine, a notebook that goes with us everywhere. The background card conveys an almost physical aspect to the proposal.
the third proposal is inspired by the Moleskine black cover and ribbon marker, this proposal is simple and modern. Gains strength with the combination of the two colors used, black and yellow.

Moleskinerie sketch

copy_12_moleskinerie3.jpg Moleskinerie Paper

copy_18_moleskinerie1.jpg Moleskinerie Black and Yellow