Full Moon by SD/ from italy
designer's own words:
Full Moon – protection, comfort and style for snowboarders
The goal: Integrate a safety helmet for snowboarding with clothing and skiing goggles in order to reach a perfect mix between protection and thermal comfort. The issue to solve came from motorcycling and snowboard clothing: strong gears made to protect but also rigid
constrains locking movements and reducing the view angle.
Inspired by nature. An armadillo is protecting himself getting into a ball shape. His hard shell out of slices let him bend safely without loosing his flexibility. The flexibility becomes a technical plus.
Technical and cool. The shield is inspired by motorcycle helmets, but in the snowboarding field there is not always a need for an integral helmet. A general aerodynamic protection with a great windshield and warm clothes represent the maximum comfort and are almost invisible to wear, thanks to its increased viewing angle.
The solution: Full Moon is a new concept of head protection for snowboarders. It consists out of a stylish and technical outfit, using both traditional and techno-materials.
The carbonfiber hard shells create a facetted protection and are placed on a flexible, warm and soft woollen bonnet, in order to get maximum wearability out of style and protection.
In the front, a huge screen is designed and inspired by the look of astronauts, and protects you from the coldest and iciest wind. The shield, with the typical anti uv-rays orange tint, is attached to the yellow textile border, that is acting as a scarf and is in the meantime also a structural part that keeps the windshield attached to the bonnet and creates a disruptive way of opening around your neck.
Study of concepts for new snowboard protection
3D and renders of main concept

Full Moon concept – front view

Full Moon concept – back view

Full Moon #disruptors