
Frozen by Talal Alkhori from jordan

designer's own words:

Research conclusions
“Anticipation” people relates to it as the sixth sense, the ability of knowing in advance, it stands on the edge between two worlds; reality and the metaphysical one, that could be expressed through a nonphysical forces as time and gravity, time and wind and time and heat, the relation between mathematics and beauty through proportions. Anticipation offers a soft landing and a sense of satisfaction of either a positive or a negative feelings and emotions to a long or a short term of future events or actions, as a state of anticipation to the participator it’s a state of dense tension as a frozen moment of motion.

Influence and Direction
Frozen is a chess set influenced from our clothing fashion, a piece of fabric that holds behind its style, materials and colors a cultural and technological image and an individual personal ID. On the other hand fashion as a piece of cloths in its sleek surface that settles in its flexible criteria to imitate the geometry that its covering emerging a transformative composition not only to itself but presenting a different reinterpreted geometrical transformation to the object that its landing on. Reflecting this theoretical direction on chess set, by studying the original set form proportions from the themed one and the ornate one and reinterpreting their geometries through applying the cloths behavior over the studied original set.
As the pieces had been removed and the cloths behavior kept floating and had been perforated revealing the absence of the chess pieces and showing the existence of the sleek and light surfaces that forms the new set.

Materials selection
Metal selection as an exterior material to the chess set and the board frame related to the essence of chess as a genuine intellectual game where metal is a genuine material exists in nature. Resin selection as an interior material of two colors; white and Black to the chess pieces and the board related to this era of materials revolution.

Scaffolds will be built, and materials will be poured.

Frozen Set
Design Process
Frozen Steady
Frozen Night
Frozen in action
Frozen individuals