Frost Museum

Frost Museum by jim termeer from usa

designer's own words:

This is an interior space that generates a projected video 'snowflake' from the activities of the people at the bar and near the benches. It is a room of discovery-- The 'snowflake' is projected through a flexible translucent material covering the front facade of the space, and is seen from both inside and outside. Seeing it from outside draws the adventuresome in- what can this be? What kind of crazy room created this? .................................................................Ice crystals are both symmetry and complexity at the same time. People go to a Beck's experience for the same thing- to be of their own free will but also part the life that forms within the space during that exact moment in time.

‘snowflake’ projected video still

copy_29_image2.jpg interior view of snowflake generator

copy_27_image3.jpg exterior view-key shows the way in.