freedom cage lounge seating by Nagabhushan from india
designer's own words:
Freedom Cage, is an expression of absolute freedom. Today freedom is what each one of us seeks. The inspiration came from the question that what would be the best example of absolute freedom? One of the answers that came to my mind was - For a bird the height of freedom would be building a NEST in the CAGE where it is free to come and leave the cage at will. Using this as a metaphor I created the FREEDOM CAGE for one to lounge or sit in it. The freedom cage provides an ideal space for reading, listening music or simply meditating. The product is equipped with relevant technology like overhead LED lamps and integrated music system that creates incredible surround sound that enhance the experience of activities like meditation, reading or listening to music. This is FREEDOM CAGE - where CAGE becomes NEST.
introductionvalues[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/370478/2013-02-28/video_1_1362040027_e23145aaf5d3787df7a067cc58e76257.mp4″ html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/370478/2013-02-28/video_1_1362040027_e23145aaf5d3787df7a067cc58e76257.mp4″ download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/370478/2013-02-28/video_1_1362040027_e23145aaf5d3787df7a067cc58e76257.mp4″]video
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