Fortune Teller by HatRabbits from netherlands
designer's own words:
The Future of Banking
Money makes the world go round – and your day-to-day life. But the traditional form of retail banking is becoming more and more obsolete due to integrated digital services. With customers looking for an omni-channel 24/7 banking experience, their behaviour and needs are changing. And what they are looking for in the near future, is something more primal than a way to store their pennies or a smiling cashier.
When this future comes, the bank’s biggest capital isn’t money anymore. It’s information.
Banks have access to immense data sets that aren’t yet used to personalize the banking experience or empower customers. Between the bank’s big data and your own financial behaviour, you know everything you need to know to plan your financial and non-financial life – and live it to its fullest potential.
Deutsche Bank introduces Fortune Teller: a digital service (app) combining dynamic data to guide your financial planning and help you in achieving your goals. Fortune Teller will happily inform you how to save, invest and spend more wisely. It monitors your spending habits, spots trends and opportunities, transparently shows you where you’re spending more than other people like you, and where you could potentially save some money. With the DB Fortune Teller service, our customers’ good fortune has little to do with luck..!
FT gives you a clear overview of your spending habits per day, week, month, year. “You’ve spent 15% more on groceries this week, than you did last week.”
FT compares your expenditures to those of people like you (demographically).
“Seems like you spend more money on energy than people with a similar household.”
FT offers you alternatives (non-commercial!) and tips on how to save money.
“You spend more money on internet services than other people in your area. Want to check out deals from different providers that might be of interest for you? Click here.”
FT helps you in defining your goals and monitors your progress meticulously.
“You’ve reached 34% of your goal. That’s an increase of 0,7% compared to the last two months.”
FT informs you about patterns and occurrences that help you achieve your goals.
“Congratulations! Based on your data, you’ll complete the payment for your Opel Astra this month. Want to set a new saving goal?”
“December is coming up! Usually you spend an average of €175,- on gift shopping this month. Want us to set €50,- per month aside for you?”
Fortune Teller app
Fortune Teller overview
Fortune Teller overview dropdown