Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere

Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere by James Harr from uk

designer's own words:

My design is based on the idea that Curiosity makes you want to explore and interact with your surroundings. The idea is that a path of weight sensor light up footsteps are placed around a town and when you stand on them they light up, this should make people curious enough to follow the footsteps, this will lead them to a Sphere with viewing holes on it which you look into. Within the sphere will be a light display and never ending mirrors to give a feeling of dimensional transcendental in which the outside is smaller than inside which will spark curiosity for not only children but also for adults, this will be an instillation which would run for around a week at a time moving to and from different towns/city’s.

In my research I looked at treasure maps and mazes, as they are both things people are curios to follow and tried to implement this into my design. For the sphere I used the idea that you become curious when you want to see something but you cant. The mirrors idea was inspired by the work of Yayoi Kusama as she uses mirrors to create never-ending displays, which I think spark a lot of curiosity.

I believe my design will bring curiosity back into our towns and city’s making people more excited to go visit them, this in tern could help our local high street economy’s as towns and city’s would become busier. The main reason for the design however is the idea that people will be curious to find the sphere and also be curious when they leave as they wont quite know what they have just experienced, that is curiosity!

The Idea
Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere
Footsteps Explanation
Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere
Infinity Sphere Explanation
Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere
Cross Section
Footsteps to an Infinity Sphere
In Situation