food for thought... by alicia archibald from uk
designer's own words:
‘Food for Thought…’ her latest project, is an exploration into everyday eating habits and considers how tableware and its paraphernalia could provoke social interaction. Using existing tableware she has adapted preconceptions through form, narrative and function. This in turn, had led her to challenge eating routines, particularly those that are based around TV dinners. Proven observations show that there is a vast increase in fast foods, ready-made meals and staggered eating observed amongst 20% of British families causing great concern. Making awareness this problem, Alicia is provoking social interaction by reaesthetisizing a set of functional portable tableware incorporating the time honoured Willow Pattern. The pattern bears a symbolic significance to this as it was originally created with a narrative in mind to initiate conversation during mealtimes. Alicia’s aim is to amend our current eating culture by enhancing the idea of ‘bringing entertainment back to the table’ and reinstating dining as an experience.
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