
food by dan zhang from china

designer's own words:

My project is designed for daily life, advocating green lifestyle, especially the design of tableware. When eating with the tableware that is designed by me, they'll realize the importance of protecting the environment. I hope my design is a tool that expresses harmony of humanity and nature and suggest a new lifestyle for people. in dish – are you now eating up the earth?
There is an earth in the plate. As we all know, eating is a natural phenomenon of people. our food comes from earth, but we are eating it greedily! There is another idea to express this. Imagine a picture of the earth in the plate, as we eat up the food, we can see the earth at the bottom. But how can the earth still be healthy if we continue digging up of it when being careless of the consequences it? - keep the last piece of green
this poster and the previous one is a series. vegetable and tree have a common which is green, we all know vegetable is healthy for people but not every ‘green’ can be eaten, as in tree. The slogan "Every green is the product of toiling" is adapted from an old Chinese saying, meaning every piece of green is precious.
3. power- who has the power?
one red battery as an element, after repeating, forms a strong matrix. it emphasizes battery wastes’ can be harmful to people's health. While using similar features of the batteries and the figure of the character, let the green character show itself in the neatly formation, hinting that modern people's life has been surrounded by batteries, which is a treat to health

food in dish

eatit.jpg eat it?

power.jpg power