follow me...fill it up! by ronnie bertocchi from italy
designer's own words:
«What about these stains on the floor?» «...I don’t know, let’s follow them!»
The idea is about creating a sweet-smelling path (made by stickers glued on the floor) along the market passages in order to lead the consumer in front of the Maestro Limpio®’s point of sale. Here a dispenser of Maestro Limpio® provided with taps, acts as refill for the empty bottles.
The design is easy to realize and it tries to be financially viable by promoting the reutilization of the consumer’s bottles. In this way the project permits consistent savings both for the company and the consumer.
The shopping experience, besides being sustainable, will be utterly sensorial: the consumer can watch, smell, hear and even touch. That means it’s all but a passive experience!
Following the stains…
Getting the spot!
Filling up!