folding coffee mug

folding coffee mug by carlos alberto barrera franco from mexico

designer's own words:

The Folding Coffee Mug is a reusable container for coffee that substitutes the use of laminated cardboard to face the problems caused by the waste of this material and the environmental wearing out it represents. As we know, the lifespan of a laminated cardboard container averages no more than 10 minutes, therefore the production process and the environmental damage are not justified.

This situation can be seen in the large cities around the world, and it has been exponentially increasing during the last years. Despite the existence of alternatives in the market, like portable coffee containers (bottles made of plastic or aluminum) these tend not to adjust to the needs of the consumer, who requires comfortableness and simplicity in its everyday life.

Folding Coffee Mug is for people who live in large cities and are constantly going from one place to another; people with tight schedules and limited time, like office workers, students, professionals, etc.

The form uses the icon of the conventional paper coffee cup by means of which the user associates the function and in spite of its conceptual variants it facilitates its acceptance.

One of the advantages of Folding Coffee Mug is the visual temperature display that allows the user to check the heat of its drink, and if it needs to be heated again or ready to be consumed. This feature is the result of integrating a heat sensitive additive into the platinum silicone.

It can also be used as an alternative for storing food like it is done with a plastic container, the only difference is that once Folding Coffee Mug is emptied, it is folded and carried without being bulgy.

The approximate container dimensions (15 cm. height, 6 cm. wide, 7 cm. depth) are easily adjusted to coffee vendor machines and microwave ovens.

Folding Coffee Mug system is made of two pieces, avoids the usage of external holders and adhesive materials. This features make the manufacturing process more efficient, decrease environmental damage and allow the materials to be easily reintegrated into the production process after its life span, which is estimated in a 3 to 5 years average.

This mug is inspired in a folding system like the one used for books or laptop computers, enhancing it with the use of recycled PET which brings protection and stability. The imprinting design is intended to use the PET sheet in the most efficient way.

The rigid structure is complemented with a platinum silicone recipient that is the result of an injection process, this material fits the planned function, extends their working life and provides security and comfort during the use. The silicone container has extensions that under pressure assure the union of both pieces and that hold the position folded and unfolded of the mug, providing a simple and practical object.

Folding Coffee Mug offers a different, clean and functional way of drinking coffee.

Concept vs Problem

foldingcoffeemugusefunction.jpg Use & Function

foldingcoffeemugproductioncharacteristics.jpg Production & Characteristics