FOCUS: The Sound Piece by Justina Lim from singapore
designer's own words:
Currently, 1 in 68 individuals have been diagnosed with Autism, and the numbers are doubling every year. These individuals often experience a unique hypersensitivity to sounds like car horns, noisy crowds, dropped cutlery, etc. Younger children often produce a “humming” sound in order to filter out the noises they perceive, allowing them not only to focus on a subject but also to regulate their emotions.
FOCUS: The Sound Piece uses this same concept to enable individuals with Autism to filter out sounds in the environment in the form of a sleek, wearable ear ring that produces “humming” sounds to the individuals through a small outlet embedded in the ear ring, empowering these individuals with not only an ability to focus, but also with a sense of style.
The Sound Piece
Artistic Interpretation
Artistic Interpretation 2
Blend In