flying moleskinerie and moleskinerie at

flying moleskinerie and moleskinerie at by vendula vavrouskova from czech republic

designer's own words:

i chose two types for my logo. the first one is flying with moleskine, this one is because i love moleskine products and because of the flexibility of the books. they are well made of very good materials and they help me in everyday life. the formation of the open books is because i draw in one, the second is diary and the third is adress book and they make together great complex. using of colors is also flexible due to the fact that it works well in black very solidly, so using other colors is possible according to needs and where and how you work with it and finaly on what surface you use it. i use the text moleskine aswell to maintain continuity and branding of moleskine. the second logo si moleskine at, connection of moleskine in the text part and the „at“ symbol, which is generally known as internet symbol. due to the fact that moleskinerie will be used on the internet, using of color variant is very flexible aswell and it can handle some color transitions if needed.

flying moleskinerie

copy_51_moleskinerie2.jpg flying moleskinerie in color

moleskinerieii.jpg moleskinerie at

moleskinerieiia.jpg moleskinerie at in color