
flusher by mustafa emre olur from turkey

designer's own words:

Due to the hazardous impact of global warming and enviromental pollution, natural water resources are diminishing day by day.
Flusher is a plastic toilette reservoir which collects "grey water" coming out from washing machine and enables you to use it on
toilet when needed. Considering a family who washes clothes with a washing machine twice a week, Flusher:
-saves 80 litre of water in a week
-saves 4000 litre of water in a year
-saves 32$ in a year
-saves 80 million metercube of water (its 1/8 of total water usage of İstanbul in a year) if its used with all washing machines in Türkiye.

FLUSHER, is an innovative alternative for the standard toilette reservoirs with consciousness raising impact on people's green earth point of view and extraordinary aesthetic form.

The product is composed of 4 parts. They are:
-a carrier which is mounted on the wall and carries the other parts on,
-lower tank, which has a capacity of 10litre of water to be used with a flush mechanism there.
-upper tank, which has a capacity of 40litre of grey water to be ready to fill lower tank
-top lid which has a flush button on the front face.
Working Principle: AAA Class Washing machines ejects 40litre of grey water. This amount is colected inside the upper tank untill it comes to overfill level. If it exceeds, the water flows to toilette directly
through the overfill pipe. When you press to flush button, the lower tank discharges its 10 litre of water to toilette, then the toilet float falls and opens both the clean water valve and the grey water valve. So lower tank is filled with two sources simultaneously until it reach to toilette float's level. At the end, toilet float stands and closes the two valves.


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