Fluid Handles

Fluid Handles by costin fierascu from romania

designer's own words:

The proposal presented, wants to achieve the three characteristics of a handle: design, durability and functionality.

The way of approach in designing door handle is both artistic and functional, so this organic part of the door to consist the focus and differentiation of the door.

The concept started with the image of free-flowing fluid, forming a unique and luxurious design. Drawing not handle fits into a particular architectural style, this unique and making it suitable for all types of styles and functions, from Art Nouveau to contemporary minimalism.

The handle is represented by an organic piece that arises from the door surface of a truncated cone form followed by a suave onduire following a path parallel to the surface of the door.

The handle ends with a change of direction that gives both an artistic and a functional side, in the end there is a light-controlled interior, and, depending on the type of space you close the door, (eg Hotel) color may indicate a red light, green or yellow. Light is controlled by a wireless device with changeable color system incorporated, it as desired by the user. Also, light has to improve viewing the unlocker part of the for , thus facilitating the introduction of the key.

