florero hanging flower vase concept design

florero hanging flower vase concept design by Sanskruti from india

designer's own words:

This concept was an outcome of the classroom project called Material and explorations. The exercise was to explore forming technique with different kind of meshes to generate volumes. Dried luffa gourd which has a natural mesh structure.

The property of this material is that it becomes soft when it soaks water and can be formed into any shape and it becomes hard once it dries. Using the properties of the material I explored various forms. The natural structure of the mesh made it easy to attach two pieces together.

Another property of the material is that it absorbs water and retains it for a certain period of time, thus I decided to make a flower vase as the dampness of the material will keep the flowers fresh with the minimal use of water.

‘Florero' could be placed at multiple places like house balcony, garden , living room or any semi open areas.
