Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety

Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety by William Stock from usa

designer's own words:

Smoke detectors have been the fairly same design for years. Families hide them in the corners of rooms to keep them out of sight. This also keeps them out of sight of being prepared in case of a fire. Flight is a design that becomes a part of your life while unconsciously keeping you ready for an emergency. The design wanted to speed up the process of getting out of your house and also encouraging kids to escape instead of hide. The light features would give you sight allowing for a quick and safe exit. The main goal of Flight is to keep families aware and prepared which is the number one safety precaution.

With design and technology booming like it is today, smoke detectors shouldn’t have been ignored for so long. They were meant to be heard in case of a fire, but I wanted to design one that touched more of your senses.
Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety
I wanted to look at a more involved safety system that helped you and your family escape more safely and quickly using multiple devices. Flight would provide light during a fire even in the darkest of smoke. It would give kids the courage and knowledge how to escape instead of hiding in their rooms.
Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety
Flight involves seeing, hearing, and feeling when you use it. It is designed to guide you out the quickest way if there was a fire. When a fire starts in your home, you have less than 5 minutes to escape. The more effective your family and your safety system is, the better.
Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety
The system Flight is tied into the wall for power and has backup batteries. It allows provides a new and more innovative way of controlling the lights in your room.
Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety
This year, the Lexus Competition focused on senses. Flight has a flashlight built into the bottom to give you your sense of sight in a fire.
Flight: Redesigning Fire Safety
Smoke detectors have been an ugly necessity for many years. Flight has found a visually pleasing and logically smart design to keep families safe and comfortable.