Flex Folding Stool

Flex Folding Stool by Mathew Birtch from canada

designer's own words:

The Flex Folding Stool has been designed to be marketed as a blank canvas to individualize - to offer teenagers the opportunity to express their innovation and creativity in their living space. Whether reading, browsing the internet, or playing games the stool offers comfort in a space efficient for the twelve to eighteen year old lifestyle. When not needed, the Flex Folding Stool will fold to fit in a closet, hang on a wall, or slide underneath a bed.

The flexible seat allows for a higher degree of comfort. It can also be used as a side table.

flex2.jpg The Flex Folding Stool is a simple, collapsible, canvas hinged stool suitable for production.

flex3.jpg The stool is light and portable. Ideal for anyone living in tight or cozy spaces.