fivefold by Hamish Mclachlan from new zealand
designer's own words:
fivefold is an adaption of the classic square handle, an excavation of the solid form leaves a light-weight shell. the final design applies origami language, consisting of five simple folds, generating the silhouette of a more conventional shape. the works of daniel libeskind and foa influence the design with their simple geometric expressions.
it was our intention that the design attempt to reduce the amount of waste generated in the manufacturing process. the net tessellates on a flat sheet of desired material, in this case stainless steel, to leave less than 5% waste. reduced waste generation on building sites is a product of the use of sheet material. the fabrication process relies little on large manufacturing plants, where utilising simple construction methods will help contribute to the sustainable nature of the product.
the design presents an opportunity to integrate colour into the powder-coated core, to compliment existing spaces. it enhances the quality of an otherwise ordinary door, without altering the way in which people view it.