fit by Gun-woong Kim from korea
designer's own words:
Why do we have to purchase a Tablet PC and a Smart Phone separately?
With the recent development of smart phone technology, specification of a smart phone is expected to outweigh the one of laptop by 2013. If so, is it true that we do not need a bulky tablet PC any more? Absolutely no.
Smart phones and tablet PCs can be used depending on their own different purposes. User also can use them differently. For example, with a wide touch screen, a tablet PC is fit for experiencing entertainment such as watching movies, getting education, and surfing on the web. But it is true that making telephonic communication via the device and carrying it for a portable purpose are inconvenient. On the contrary, a smart phone has excellent features in terms of communications and portability, while offering inconvenient services for surfing on the web and watching movies due to its small-sized screen. ‘FIT’, a product combining the features of tablet PC and smart phones, complement such weak points.
By attaching or detaching a smart phone to/from a tablet PC, Touchpad Module strengthened the elements of entertainment in smart phones, playing a role as an accessory. Users can properly select an environment that they want, and easily use the device. In addition, separating Bluetooth module from a smart phone, you can readily make telephone communication.
Why do we have to purchase a Tablet PC and a Smart Phone separately?
‘FIT’, a product combining the features of tablet PC and smart phones
Users can properly select an environment that they want, and easily use the device.