First mine then ours by rui miguel from portugal

designer's own words:

This new identity suports a transformation from the interior to the exterior, a necessity to externalize our toughts. How we represent a logo with two different experiences, but with continuity between them?

The color is a generator of sensations, experiences and the words are connectors of ideas.
Different in color, united by words.

Our Color
The color represents the transition from the interior to the exterior. Black color maintains the elegant continuity of the notebook, and the orange color it’s a transformation of each different experience, from personal to the public, from analog to digital.
The black color establishes a timeline, a memory, a phisic sense with the legacy acquired.
The orange color is used as a symbol of spiritual transformation, the reason that leads the Buddhist monks to wear orange robes. At the time of the autumn, green leaves acquire a orange hue. Between the light of day and night light, this phenomen passes through a sunset orange. A personification of transition.

Our Signature
The words are connectors of emotions. The conflict between two different ideas are congregated in this sentence. Like the acessories of the Moleskine, this two distinct experiences complement each other, and forms a unique line of continuity.
Allusion to the intimate side of the brand, the one that is distinct on each artist.
Allusion to the factor of transformation, the one that flourishes of the intimate, and it’s shared by all.

Our Typography
The decision to maintain the continuity of history, it’s manifested in the choice of typography, which it was a re-starting the old lettering,in order to make it more current. The inner spirit of the notebook blooms, and the logo takes is external appearance, represented by the rounded shapes.
The lettering is extended, that sugests the idea of continuity and history.
The kerning is slightly spaced, suggesting the nomadic character of the brand, the necessity of exteriorization.

Our Blog
The base color of this blog is black and a textured section just the Moleskine.
The content area has the shape and color of the paper of the Moleskine. In both you can enter ideas, visions and thoughts.
The illustrations change as according competitions provided by Moleskinerie, anniversaries or important distinctions.
When user roll over the mouse pointer changes to a hand and a brief description arises of what user see after click. The new information will appear in the content area of the blog.

Our Campaign
Moleskine is behind the greatest masterpieces.
Moleskinerie is here to tell you the story.

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