finger pc: a life with sharing surface

finger pc: a life with sharing surface by li-shung yeung from china

designer's own words:

For Eco-friendly consideration, the consumption of hardware (e.g. Monitors, LCD, keyboards...etc) among individual consumers should be reduced in the long-run. We believe the Cloud Computing Systems and Smart Surface Display will be more mature in 2020. Thus, sharing hardware among public is possible in the future, then what we need is a simple device providing ways to personalize the shared devices.

Our design is targeting mobile and intensive computer users who care about the environment. Therefore, we would like to re-define individual PC as Personalized-Shared-Computers rather than simply a laptop or desktop.

The authentication and Wi-Fi system built inside the FINGER-PC will personalize any computing device with processor, air-port and display) shared by smart surface in public, school, office and home. The software inside FINGER-PC will also memorize ones Computing-Experiences. (e.g. user-interface, history and system preference...) Once FINGER-PC is plugged-in and connected, it personalize any computing-system and drag the files you needed through cloud computing.

Everywhere becomes your personal computer.

product rendering

copy_1_fujitsu_award02.jpg explanation of service

copy_1_fujitsu_award03.jpg explanation of usage situation