Fidget by Megan Wu from usa
designer's own words:
Fidgeting is a movement often made during waiting periods, often from boredom of a long wait or from a nervous anticipation. Common fidget motions include tapping of fingers/ legs/ feet, twiddling of thumbs, and a restless body. FIDGET is a collection of three curious objects (Bean, Jelly, Drop) that distract the mind and nerves by moving in ways that mimic fidgeting. Bean is a form with a 2-joint hinge that wiggles when touched. Jelly is a form that senses pressure and lights up when pinched. Drop is a shape with 4 joints, that shifts around when it senses movement. The goal is for the interaction between the objects and the visitor to loosen up built-up stress, and tenseness.
shortlisted entries (400)