
Feel-Jig-Saw by kotsubo-ko-bo from japan

designer's own words:

Feel-Jig-Saw is a puzzle which created by 3D printing technology.It is solved by feeling of the finger to read uneven surface.I anticipate prevailing the product within next ten 10years by growing 3D printing technologyThen, Feel-Jig-Saw will be loved by visually impaired people and people loving their anniversary.

”Makers” written by Chris Anderson is The Anticipation which called Makers movement using 3D printing technology indicate to change creative activity.Ordinary people will be able to create several things easily without using metal mold.Now,3D printing technology is growing rapidly.At this pace,3D printing grow more minutely , more efficient , and more spreading,the new style of enjoying Photograph,Feel-Jig-Saw,will prevail all over the world.

For example,Visually impaired people may see their birth place for the first time in their life.

For example,Married couple may remember first emotionon their anniversary.

Feel-Jig-Saw change the worth of photographto spend time on feeling the vision.

3D puzzle to be solved by feeling of the finge
3D printing more grow and Photograph get new power
a case using Visually impaired people
a case using Married couple