Feed Me by Matías Pérez from argentina
designer's own words:
Taking as a starting point for designing, the recycling of disused Jeans, which can not be repaired and can not be donated, we plan the re-use of the material according to a new object.
Based on the traditional idea of breaking the classic ceramic pig, we propose the user to cut the fabric, cut off the doll to get to the money.
Conceptually strong FeedMe invites the user to fill and wait until last minute to cut.
The doll can be fixed by sewing the fabric, this allows the user to reuse the money saver over and over again, considering that: every time the money saver is cut, the doll will lose a piece of it`s shape.
With a simple design, we appeal to the reflections, in a strange, friendly and funny way.
FeedMe proposed recycling from a different point of view, not very common, but with a strong concept behind it.