Fashion gardening - Backpack

Fashion gardening - Backpack by Hedvig Bergman from sweden

designer's own words:

By culturing in clothing you can care of your plants all day by always bringing them with you. You also contribute to the environment and to your surrounding by adding photosynthesis wherever you are. Parallel with the global urbanization and lack of nature in cities, fashion gardening can be your reassurance of fresh air and nature.

The back pack is made out of a material that handles water well, it is made out of hemp. Additionally the inner bag in which the plants are planted are made out of a water proof material, nylon.The inner bags are removable from the pockets so that you can keep you plants at home, and bring the one you choose for the day. The leather band are made out of vegetably tanned leather. The front part are detachable and made out of plastic so when closed, it creates a greenhouse effect.

Product picture
Fashion gardening - Backpack
Back pack while wearing (photo: Páll Stefánsson)