facet by piers mansfield-scaddan from uk
designer's own words:
Inspired by the geometry of precision cut crystals, based on a mathematical approach seen in their manufacture……. our submission is a tessellated ceramic tile with half ball crystals (rear coated) inset into various facets of the tile.
Based on experiments with the crystals, we found that a single light source, either sunlight or electric light is reflected and multiplied by the number of facet of each crystal. This is then reflected by the rear coating and projected onto walls, floor, ceilings and persons passing in front of the tiles. The sculpted facets of a single tile arranged in any configuration positions the crystals at random and produce a spectrum of colours and mini galaxies of stars bouncing off anything and everything in its path. Surely this is the stuff that dreams are made from…..
Swarovski crystal & 3D ceramic tiles