EYE HANDLE by alexander gantchev from bulgaria

designer's own words:

This design aims to provoke the observer with its symbolical mark-the eye.
For centuries has this symbol been used in almost every part of the world.
No wonder-we rely on our sight to move through time and space.
This handle stands as a gateway between two spaces.Its sharp and shiny design wants to catch the attention of the beholder.It can be made out of numerous metals: brass, copper, alluminium, zink and so on.As long as it can be bent and wrought there should be no problem for execution.A proper finish to the metal will give it the slickness it tries to achieve. The base and mechanism is taken from the catalogues of COLOMBO.


eye_handle_section_.gif EYE HANDLE SECTION

eye_handle_elevation.gif EYE HANDLE ELEVATION

eye_handle_perspective.gif EYE HANDLE PERSPECTIVE

eye_handle_elavation_2_section_2.gif EYE HANDLE ELEVATION 2 SECTION2

eye_handle_all.gif EYE HANDLE ALL