exso chair

exso chair by hariyanto trihariyanto kadir from indonesia

designer's own words:

Teenage or characterized as generation Y, generation that born between 1979 to 1994, represent one of the fastest-growing population segments with registering a growth of 16.6% between 1990 and 2000. Today’s teen are more media-sensitive and marketing-savvy than of their predecessor generation and require a highly sophisticated marketing approach. Even though teen’s buying power are limited, many market analysis reported that teenage consumer keep increasing their consumption budget on product related lifestyle every year. MarketResearch.com estimates that the buying power of teens will reach 0 billion, increasing a staggering 27.7% between 2001 and 2006 due to higher earnings from jobs held by teens, as well as a jump in family expenditures on teens.
Teenage projected most of their budget level when socialized with their friends or other individuals. On every environmental scope of their lifestyle, teenage managed their own style and form pattern. They preserve and determine their own outer-looks that not similar or related with other generation. This will create a lifestyle pattern that parallel to what we call as trends. Teenage is a master of trendsetting generation. They have sensitive senses in appraise new trends and preserve it.

Understand how generation Y appraise and pay attention to a product begins by highlighting key aspect of their consumption behavior, buying decision, income pattern and technical or aesthetical values that emerged on industrial design.
Trends in teen market are identified, particularly when evaluate a furniture product. Teenager’s power of attraction on furniture product often emerged in public spaces than personal application on houses. A combination between architectural, interior design and its furniture attract them more. A combination that can instantly decided what kind of appropriate “world” and atmosphere for them.
Teenage more attracted to simple form, flashy colors and unique forms. On a furniture design, teenage feels uncomfortable when facing many details and accents. They prefers for simplicity, plastics-flexible form and shape that hasn’t many edging or sharp lining. As highlight equilibrium of philosophy, rounded plastic-flexi form and soft edging or lining are parallel to their basic description of their way-of-life psychology which dynamic, un-uniform, socialize, open and more freedom of relationship.
The main idea is a design that can be appraised and pleasant able to everyone. A product that teenage consumer spend low of budget to apply and use it. An implementation that can be applied on many teen age’s public spaces such as cafeteria, entertainment center or sport center.

A low price furniture product will directly affect to how many budget that teenagers will spend generally on that spaces. Teenage always need “new atmosphere” in their daily spaces. They represent a generation that rapidly meet ennui or easily get bored. They need re-new able system of physical appearance on a product. This is a cause why teenager’s product has shorter product cycle than any segmented population product. They rapidly changing landscape of their teen-oriented appraisal. A low price product that can be “re-new able” every time.
This chair design consist two main parts, the structure and the cushion. The structure that made form tubular alloy pipe stands sitting cushion that can be self-installed and uninstalled. The sitting cushion that made from Thermo Plastic Elasthomer (TPE) equipped with pop-off lock mechanism on the bottom that can be easily installed and stacked on pipe structure.
The nature of TPE that elastic, flexible, and configured as stiff bottom surface exploited to produces “adhesiveness” between pop-off locking mechanism with the structure. The sitting cushion also configured and formed a concavity on middle part of top surface. The concaveness shaped to emerge ergonomic site for back and bottom of user.
The concept of mass-product cushion will provide low-price product of teenage chair that can be appraised on many ways of physical and color appearance. The physical appearance of chair can be re-new able in ease and with low budgeting. MAKE IT FUN, MAKE IT SIMPLE.

exso chair:make it fun, make it simple

copy_18_image_2.jpg exso chair:choose yours, patch yours

copy_12_image_3.jpg exso chair:appraise it, change it