Exploring the Curve by Steve Brown from uk
designer's own words:
Please refer to attached schematics. This is an art installation that can take place in any size room. The work is an interactive visualisation that is projected onto a wall. The projector is ceiling mounted. Initially the wall is a blank canvas with floating circles (nodes). When the participant activates a node, the interactive video will respond by animating a streak of light that describes the curve of one section of the car. This streak of light will activate then slowly fade away. If you refer to the mockups you will see the design of how this is intended to look. Upon triggering this animation, the piece also plays part of a harmony using sampled strings and piano.
The animations and sounds can 'stack' so that the participant can trigger different curves at the same time to form a complete image, or their own combination. Combined with the music harmony accompaniment this can be their own composition as well. The input comes from a wall mounted Kinect that is connected via USB to a laptop (hidden). The Kinect will detect when a user touches a circle (they do not need to touch the wall). The laptop is running MaxMSP/Jitter to respond to the data input, update the animation and send to the projector via HDMI out. The laptop will output stereo sound to a mixing desk which will send the signal to wall mounted speakers. The piece can be scaled for any size room by adjusting the position of the Kinect, speakers and projector.
Mockup of the Interactive Art Installation
Interactive Art Design
Schematic of Art Installation