evo by nguyen tanguy from france
designer's own words:
The project EVO aims to make of the waste separation and the process of recycling an interactive and play experience.
3 different containers (glass/ green, plastics/ yellow, paper and cardboard/ blue) create an attractive point for an eco-friendly act.
The massive elements gradually disappear under the ground level due to the weight of recyclable materials dropped off by the citizen. In return, once a container is full, it gives the urban space a second function : indeed, it turns from massive element to bench or flowerbed.
With a view to be more didactic, an instructive and play grading system is engraved on the three containers, giving informations about what can be done at this filling level (for example, half-buried, we can learn that 1/2 ton of recycled glass saves 30 petrol barrel...)
As an end, in order to bring a local response for every different context, we can easily imagine the many ways to ornate the containers with specific plants or flowers, depending to the place they are: covered of cactees in dry climate, of hair grass in cold places...
board 1
board 2
board 3