evo by hugo danti from spain
designer's own words:
Breaking formal shape and design concept of standard box like household appliances, EVO was created for users who love technological and design gadgets, are into latest trends, like to gather people at home and are very exigent when it comes to their home electronics, especially energy saving.
EVO is composed by several constructive layers. The exterior, doors and body, are in plastic so as the interior. In between there is a steel skeleton and also an isolating layer to help maintaining the refrigerator temperature. It is suspended from the ceiling by a steel cable that is connected to the main skeleton from the top. The water and power connections come from below by a link piece that connects from below directly to the motor area. This piece also keeps the refrigerator from balancing.
The doors are magnetized to the main body. By pressing the open button this demagnetizes the doors for 3 seconds. The doors are sustained by a rotation mechanism that allows them to rotate 90º degrees.
There are four main cooled areas. The top two are for freezing and the ones bellow are intended to use as refrigerator for food and drinks. Each zone works separately. EVO is cooled by a central refrigeration tube system that expels the cold air into the four compartments. This tube is also divided in segments so it can expel a different temperature to different zones. It is possible to have one or more disconnected for energy saving. The refrigeration areas are designed for different kinds of food. The left one is for vegetables, fruit and liquids. Scientific studies prove that vegetables and fruit, even after they have been harvested, are still illuminated by light this helps maintaining their proteins and qualities. So the drawers, for vegetables and fruit, are illuminated inside by an orange led. The humidity is also controlled automatically to suit this kind of food.
The built in panel indicates all primary information of the fridge all time and useful information like date, time, and hardware status (it indicates if there is any malfunction or any piece needing replacement or maintenance).
Before putting something stored inside the user can pass the code bar of the product in the built in infrared scanner. In the nearest future the code bar of the product will have the information of what kind of product it is, special needs for preserving (if any) and the consume date. This way the fridge can process this information and manages the inside environment to the product and warns the user when the expiration date is near.