designer's own words:
My name is Aurelia
Flowers are part of my life
Picking and offering flowers is one of my favorite hobbies
My grand-mother used to do flower arrangements for openings of my grandfather’s interior design projects when he was president of prestigious Maison Jansen, one of the most famous interior design company in the 70's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_Jansen).
On my side, I used to pick-up wild flowers in meadows with her.
Flowers are also part of Japanese culture and the emblem of the city of Matsuyama.
For Matsuyama Design Week, I present and Art Installation of my Flower & Blossom pieces. Every piece will be unique and made with local stones.
In French, there is a poetic relationship between women and plants, which is very evocative. Here I present an installation, like a meadow and like a crowd, representing Matsuyama women in all their diversity.
This installation can be installed in one of Matsuyama’s public squares, in a historic site in the city or outside of the city’s boundaries.
I like the idea that there will be a relationship with this installation in Matsuyama and others in other geographies, making a universal symbol of the Uniqueness of every human being on the planet.
3D image – Everyone is unique by Aurelia