
Eskura by jon azkoitia from spain

designer's own words:

A door handle shouln´t lead to any confusion over his use. This is ,undoubtedly, a fact that we take for granted in this field where changes over the functionality of the product are limited, to the degree that a mainstream typology of use was widely adopted and yet has not found a rival to take into account.
Eskura is simple and doesn´t mislead the user. Intuitive as any other good handle, includes a new feature rather than a proposal for a change over the function or any system involved. To hang the last night t-shirt or the following day suit on the door handle is also an intuitive, natural and not induced action that, particularly in the case of the existent levers, will probably fail to succeed; things are prone to fall, and since the door handles on the market haven´t considered this fact, Eskura comes as one of the many solutions to this issue.

door handle

other_side_version.jpg other side version

copy_2_hanger.jpg hanger

copy_0_tee.jpg t-shirt