ERA door handle

ERA door handle by sravanthi narra from india

designer's own words:


CLOCK, the time reader machine has a very important role in our day to day lives.
With the disappearing wall spaces to cater the wall hung pieces, clocks have been given a new EASY visual APPROCH.

Mechanical wheel as symbol for the continuous URBAN life form, as changing and Progress.
This is an interpretation of the importance of keeping in track with TIMES itself.


1. All the parts shall be in SS.
2. The smaller dial is fixed on Jamb of a door and Larger dial on the door panel.
3. The locking system is similar to the concealed / inbuilt locking system type.
4. The rough finish shall be of smooth texture in SS.
5. The text on the small dial can vary from IN OUT to CLOSE OPEN, based on the context.
6. The clock on the larger dial shall function on replaceable / rechargeable battery. Solar panel system can also be adopted if not expensive.
7. This can be used in buildings like Residences, Commercial spaces to Institutional for its elegant style and with purpose other than just a Handle.

1. Door handle operation in clock wise shall enable the anti-clock wise movement of the dial on jamb, helping to interchange the text, every time it is operated.
2. The clock can be further added with the feature of Bio-metric Attendance Machine.

Andhra Pradesh