Endless Movement by Adam Novack from usa
designer's own words:
Endless Movement challenges the traditional statically of landscapes of remembrance. The integration of natural and biological processes creates a contemplative environment that is ever evolving and changing. Persons visiting will experience an ever-changing environment that responds to both the geographical locality and the seasonal temporarily. This creates an evocative landscape that in turn produces new thoughts and ideas about remembrance.
Endless Movement creates a sense of space for both life and remembrance death. This design wants to celebrate the cycle of life, started from microscopic cells and ends with returning to a simplified state. The most direct form to physically represent this process is a circle. This endless, eternal entity has no starting and ending point, which echoes with the concept of Saṃsāra in Buddism, bringing life and death into one dimension.
The processes of cell subdivision the inspiration for Endless Movement, as it is the most original form of representing life. This form of the amoebic shapes is translated into micro topography which can then me imprinted into virtually any geographic context.
Individual modules for are sighted in the landscape and modified to respond to local vegetation and hydrology. As the temporarily of seasons change, the relationship between ground and built conditions also change allowing both natural and constructed appearances to alternate.
Diagrammatic Plan View
Development of Form
Constructed Site Elements
Seasonality of Markers
Experience of Larger Site