Empty handle

Empty handle by Chiara Minchella from italy

designer's own words:

Handle is not only a functional object, but a real
"topos" that has always belonged to the collective imaginary of modern man and typifies
the actions of his daily life.
The idea is to draw up an archetype shape that elates the structure by means of strenght lines
which mark, in abstract terms, the primitive skeleton
Formal study is based on an ideal subtractive process starting from pure and linear shape:
it refers to concepts of transparency and empty.
The morphology shows the dialectic between the expressive impact and the decrease of used resources and material.
About industrial possibility with die casting;
The process is particularly suitable to obtain a series of objects provided with a very complex shape and without
blowholes and other imperfections. The surface finishing is excellent especially in regard to brass alloy, which
performs well at a temperature of 740-760 ° c

Concept & Prototype

del_prete__minchella_02.jpg Technical drawings

del_prete__minchella_03.jpg Technical drawings

del_prete__minchella_04.jpg Handle

del_prete__minchella_05.jpg Production Process

del_prete__minchella_06.jpg Handle