
Elixir by Nari Hwang from usa

designer's own words:


Elixir is space-maximizing, high-quality OLED desk lamp. It is designed simply and straight, and it is able to be folded down along the edge of the desk. You can maximize your work space. Moreover, it has a power outlet on the arm of the lamp, so that you do not need to hassle with other awkward outlets below the desk.

Normally, the desks of people who have to spend a lot of time at their desk in the office or at school is messy. This is especially true for people in the field of architecture and design, as well as offices with a lot of paper work. When your desk is a mess with a lot of stuff, you might feel that a desk lamp with a traditional base or clamp is also in the way.

In response, I suggest the foldable desk lamp “Elixir.” This lamp can be folded along the edge of the desk when it is not in use or when there is not enough space because there are project materials on the desk. As Elixir can be folded three ways (down, up, and over), you can install it to any side of the desk using the clamp. The arm can rotate up and down, right and left, and back and forth by 120 degrees.

In the past, to charge your laptop or cellphone, you might have had to bend over to get under the desk in order to find and inconveniently located outlet low on the wall to plug in the cord. Now, the “Elixir” allows you to use the outlet on the backside of the arm of the lamp to charge any electronic device when you are working at the desk.


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