element 5

element 5 by timofey from russia

designer's own words:


Natural elements. For the city.

There are four primary elements: fire, water, wind and earth.
In a city people are mostly detached from interaction with these forces.
We lose our nature roots, indeed.
But it is highly essential actually to hear the wind through the noise of cars,
to touch with fingers so accustomed to glossy surfaces a natural structure of a
tree and stone.
To sense through a dry smell of city dust the aroma of the earth
and fallen leaves.
To close a tap with filtered water and to drink from the spring,
seething with freshness and force.

Project aim:
To create interior objects and
furniture that will allow people to
interact with the elements in the
conditions of a city, and that way to
receive new visual, tactile, flavoring
and audio experience.

Earth element
Our basis and support.
Nowadays, a modern person spends
the most part of his time at the table,
forming little by little himself and a
base of his wellbeing.
Stones carry the force inside. They
store in their memory wisdom of
centuries and civilizations.
We can put those objects of force
that saturate us in a rock-garden.
In case of difficulties or thoughts it
is possible to slide a drawer with the
garden out and to communicate
with it: to feel weight and a form of
stones, their rough surface, to sift
sparkling grains of sand through
We can learn a lot from stones.

Water element.
Feeds and gives life.
It is possible to listen to a sound
of a wave infinitely.
It harmonizes and levels our condition.
The small fresh sea with the
purest water of life is always nearby.
It is constantly filtered with minerals
and enriched with oxygen due to
continuous movement.
Illumination gives a possibility to see
the sea even in the darkness.
It is also a possibility to admire this
uniform, unshakable and fluid force
that sharpens even stones in spite of
their persistence.
We can learn a lot from water.

Air element
It fills our breath with smells and
aromas, allows us to hear the sound
of autumn leaves.
When the wind contacts with the
world around it becomes visible and
finds its voice. Inside a glass tube
there are flying leaves.
We hear their sounds and inhale the
aroma. A built-in ionizing filter makes
the air pure, as if somewhere in the
mountains or forest. Natural oils for
aromatherapy are added, depending
on a switched program. An adjustable
illumination gives an opportunity
to drift off to a rustle of leaves, enjoying
the dancing beauty of shadows
and reflections, and inhaling resinous
aromas of pinewood

Fire element
Fire is a symbol of passion. And
where, as not in bed it can be shown
best. The flame can be both quiet
and unrestrained.
It is always different.
It is so pleasant to drift off looking at
last fading tongues of flame as well
as to wake up thanks to the flame
that flashed again, with pleasant
noise warming the morning
In this project it is used a harmless
technology of biofuel allowing fire
to burn without producing smoke.
Having a flue is not necessary,
so the fire element can be set
in any flat.

Concept and description element 5 Presentation of the whole collection element 5 Four primary elements and concept description element 5 Table-stonegarden. Earth element element 5 bed vith integrated fireplace. Fire Element element 5 size and scale