Elbow door handle by vlatka blakšić from croatia
designer's own words:
a door handle is an object which opens ways in front of us, and closes them behind us, which represents more symbolic values. in this example, the emphasis is on the symbolism of passing.
a modern, fast way of life prevents us from keeping simple and spontaneous actions such as entering/exiting, opening/closing. because we tend to do more things at once, we often find ourselves carrying cups, plates and other things that take both of our hands, while maneuvring through the living spaces. therefore having no choice, we open and close doors with elbows, hips and so on, resulting in adverse incidents.
to facilitate this action, door handle is designed ergonomic for palm and forearm, and was achieved by combination of convex and concave curves. this is also accomplished by the angle of inclination that is not the usual 90° of classic door handles.
narrowing a door handle at the end, space is increased between the doors and handle, to fit everyone's elbow, and thereby more facilitate the use. that enables opening and closing doors with elbow toward yourself and vice versa.
this door handle has potential for creating a set of articles, such as door knobs, knockers, hangers and so on. it is made of brass which provides mechanical performances and sophisticated surface. dimensions are standardized allowing serial production.
front view
left view
front top view