Eight Brazilian Roses and some thorns for Masaoka Shiki: White urban petal

Eight Brazilian Roses and some thorns for Masaoka Shiki: White urban petal by PaulovonPoser from brazil

designer's own words:

Would it be possible to count the number of petals in a rose ? Even though a sole petal carries in itself all the features of simplicity of the whole flower. One simple white rose petal in the evening breeze floats in a water mirror that reflects a vibrant and bright city. It could be a drawing of Matsuyama or São Paulo : In this plate the drawing depicts the banks of the polluted river Pinheiros in its rough beauty. This image of the white petal that fell from the rose back to the floor, inspired this object made of faience enameled and painted with urban images.


Eight Brazilian Roses and some thorns for Masaoka Shiki: White urban petal