egg lamp

egg lamp by emanuel de souza filho from brazil

designer's own words:

The most incredible thing of the egg lamp is that, when it is turned off, it gets completely white. When it is turned on, the yellowness of an egg yolk comes up.
The egg lamp transmits curiosity and desire. It builds up in the user the wish to get it. The approximately 3mm thick piece is manufactured with corian with two circles oposed to each other engraved two milimeters deep in the surface and filled with yellow corian or yellow corian adhesive or yellow ink. On the base of the lamp, a lead platform is fixed in order to estabilize the object keeping it upward. Above this piece, electric components are attached, and the lamp is lightend by leds.

Egg surprise

copy_0_ovo.jpg Egg off

copy_0_ovogema.jpg Egg on