Economical Patrol

Economical Patrol by Ashek from uk

designer's own words:

My idea came from the history of when Vikings explored the world through the sea by sending out ravens, they'd return if there is none, but the opposite when they find land. Comparing this to our current technology, with all our drones and cameras; combining both methods, although centuries apart, would be the most sufficient.
When manufacturing it'd require veterinary oriented equipment in creating a nano-sized eye contact the size of a birds, with the capabilities of processing a mass of data and hi-speed connectivity input/output.
Our current technology and materials as of today may not be advanced as of yet, however, Graphene being the only possible material. It is an impact of chips that use light rather than electricity- uses less power and produces less heat.
When the eye contacts has been implanted on the bird, it'll transfer a signal to connect with each other via the cerebellum part of the brain in order to control the movements. With the connections of GPS, the user can send out commands to the bird in what to do. With the implanted eye contacts, it allows the user to also see what the bird sees, as well as a 360 degree vision.
I believe my idea can help and improve our future generations, as it's self-sufficient and only requires a single user.

360 degree
Economical Patrol
Economical Patrol