eco tree

eco tree by mehmet eren özyoldaş from cyprus

designer's own words:

Eco-tree is design for green life in city , it is combination of street light and power-plant and it is innovational concept of alternative energy production .it has lot of benefit .Firstly , it is environmental friendly . Secondly , because of big system consist of multiple eco tree system can produce energy when one three out of usage .Last but not lest over energy storage in big power plant .The working idea is very simple it use today new technology solar concentrator to take sun light and its heat to use in the eco tree artificial lift and there is bacteria in the tubes which make photosynthesis to produce electricity then electricity store in small power plant in the eco- tree then power distribute to the main electric system for usage .In shortly it has two main function city light and power plant but there will be extra function such as electric car can charge their self from these eco-tree .


copy_0_night_view1.jpg night

copy_0_day_time_view1.jpg afternoon